Holiday Extended Processing Times 12/23-12/31
Our shop will be closing for the holidays from 12/24/23-12/31/23. You can still place orders but they will not be processed until 1/2/23. Processing times are 5-7 business days for precuts/glass supplies and 1-2 weeks for made to order art. How long will it take to get my order placed between 12/24/23-12/31-23? If you place an art glass supply order anytime that week it will ship no sooner than 1/8/24. Art orders will ship sometime between 1/8/23 and 1/16/23. Please allow 1-5 business days for ground advantage mail (flat rate) and 1-3 business days for Priority Mail. I know these wait times are long but we need time with our family. We are...
New Website!
This week we're launching our new website hosted by Shopify!